The story of the
Chrimes, Crimes, Chrymes and Crymes

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About this website
This website provides information, both formal and informal, about the surnames CHRIMES , CRIMES, CHRYMES and CRYMES. All of the variant names are pronounced "crimes". The name originated in the UK so most of the information relates to people there. However, the website now attempts to give equal emphasis to people from other parts of the world, and contributions are encouraged from readers so as to consolidate the world-wide coverage for all variants.
The content of this type of website is often called a "One Name Study".
This website does NOT provide a family tree for any individual. To do so would require equal emphasis to be given to males and females. This website concentrates on the male line, being the route which the surname normally takes. The result is a study heavily biased toward the males.

To help you navigate this website, the menu at the top of each page gives you access to ...

  • Origins
  • - how did the name CHRIMES and it variants originate?
  • Distribution
  • - where were the CHRIMESs, CRIMESs, CHRYMESs and CRYMESs established?
    - where are they now?
  • Data
  • - lists of people born with the name CHRIMES, CRIMES, CHRYMES and CRYMES
    - Branch Charts

    - Searchable database
  • Stories
  • - carefully researched stories, less formal observations and conjecture surrounding the name CHRIMES and its variants
  • Photographs
  • - photographs of people named CHRIMES, CRIMES and CRYMES
  • Contact
  • - how to comment on this website or contact the website author or offer a contribution.
    You choose your level of anonymity
  • DNA
  • - Can targetted DNA testing bridge the gaps in conventional historical data?

*Revised Story - Life Story in a Bottle - expanded with new information which has come to light.
*New Look - this website has been re-designed, to be easier to use on devices with small screens
*1950 United States Census - a further 212 records added to the database for CHRIMES, CRIMES and CRYMES (total now 481)
*New Story - War Memorials - British Commonwealth - commemorating the loss of British and Commonwealth servicemen.
*Initial investigation into the potential benefits of targetted DNA testing.

About the website author

Except where attributed otherwise, the content of this website has been researched and written by David A Chrimes. David was born into the branch of the family which this website calls "Norley" (see Data). Whilst researching his family tree, David inevitably encountered records of people with the name CHRIMES who were not on his tree, but was surprised to find so few of them. This led to an approximation of the total number of CHRIMESs who have ever lived (see below) and this amazingly small number tempted David to develop this website. The addition of data for the CRIMES, CHRYMES and CRYMES names extends the original research, to cover all four name variants.

How many CHRIMES, CRIMES, CHRYMES and CRYMES are there?

The number of people named CHRIMES (other than by marriage) who have ever lived is between 1,600 and 2,000. There are a similar number of people names CRIMES, about 900 people named CRYMES and about 20 people named CHRYMES. More research is needed for each of the variant names in countries other than the UK in order for the total numbers to be more accurately defined. The total number of CHRIMES and its variants is remarkably small. It is feasible to research each and every one of them - even perhaps to "know" each of them as individuals. See Distribution for more information on the estimation of total numbers.

Objectives of this website

  • To provide a complete source of information concerning the CHRIMES, CRIMES, CHRYMES and CRYMES surnames.
  • By publishing incomplete research on this website, the author hopes to encourage contributions from others which will improve the quality of the information.
    This process of improvement is expected to continue for several years.
  • To include records for people other than those in the UK.
  • To include anecdotes, stories, observations and photographs.

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Website designed and maintained by David Chrimes
Last updated 2 January 2024
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