The story of the
Chrimes, Crimes, Chrymes and Crymes
People named CHRIMES in Canada are to be found in British Columbia with smaller numbers in Alberta and Ontario
The total number of people born CHRIMES who have lived in Canada is about 15.
The total number of people born CRIMES who have lived in Canada is about 11.
1 person born CHRYMES lived in Canada for a short time.
There are no records of people born CRYMES who have lived in Canada.
The availability of Canadian online records of births/marriages/deaths is not as comprehensive as it is for UK records. The situation is also complicated by the fact that the different Canadian provinces have released different amounts of data.
This research has identified 11 people born CHRIMES and 11 people born CRIMES who have lived in Canada.
So far this research has found the following Canadian immigrations of males. In some cases, the person named immigrated with their wife and family who are not separately listed here.
The following females are known to have independently emigrated to Canada
As we know the English ancestry of all of these Canadian immigrants, they and their families appear on "branches" which already exist in this research. Thus there are no new Canadian branches.
The following families were resident in Canada temporarily:
Do you have information about any of the above person? |
In summary, we know of 11 people born with the name CHRIMES who have lived in Canada, but the true number may be nearer to 15. We know of 11 people born with the name CRIMES who have lived in Canada. A fuller picture of the last 50 years can only be achieved with help from Canadian contributors.